Tulips refer to the power of nature; They blossom every year regardless of the situation. The multitude of species and colors is enormous. Each tulip is unique and has its own name and story.
However, tulips come into their power even more when they bloom together. This culminates in breathtaking tulip fields, a lively and colorful spectacle. People from all over the world come together here. People want to be part of this and be able to share their experience in smell and color.
The flower bulb sector is characteristic for The Netherlands. One of the challenges is sustainability. Capital intense bulb cultivation and technology have sought each other out. The aim of this connection is to lift the flower bulb sector to a higher level, together with the sector, mechanization companies and technical researchers.
Employee participation
Similarly, our way of participation is characteristic for The Netherlands. In order to make employee participation more sustainable, we are looking for a connection with the current timespirit.
Humans are resilient by nature and live in a constantly changing world. So many people, so many nationalities. Everyone has their own life story and a unique color through knowledge, skills and way of thinking.
People are able to innovate, collaborate and inspire others.
Connection is the energy that arises between people when they feel heard, seen and valued.
When tension and disagreement is reduced, trust will grow.
You can connect with your colleagues by regularly talking to each other about work or personal situations, walking outside together during lunch or meeting each other at the coffee corner.
When people in employee participation visit each other, share knowledge and experiences and work together towards a solution of shared goal, that’s when you take employee participation to a higher level. This leads to even more professionalism and more importantly, more fun.
Together, you can bring employee participation to flourish. And before you are aware, together you are that breathtaking, lively and colorful spectacle that attracts others that much; where you want to belong to.
After all, it is the people who give color to the participation field.
This is the power of connection.

10 years of FLEX-AS: employee participation in the bulb fields

Works Council members in conversation at the coffee corner